Friday, August 26, 2011

1/25th scale Batmobile

Greetings all. A very close friend of mine was asked to build and review a test shot of the 1/25th scale 1966 BATMOBILE deluxe kit by Polar Lights. I thought you all might like to see a few pics of the build.

Keep in mind the kit has not been polished yet.

*Edited to three photos.

The striping on this model is all hand painted with neon red, and the decals are sourced from different places as the decal sheet was not available at the time of this build. The kit's decal sheet will include all striping and the deluxe glue kit may even come with paint masks. Niether myself or the builder is an employee of Polar lights but I should be able to answer any questions you may have. Enjoy!


Mário de Araújo Cabral Frank Armi Chuck Arnold Rene Arnoux Peter Arundell

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